Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Article 50 officially triggered. Game on Ger

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A tremendous day for democracy

you will be getting a knock on the door soon and will be sent back to oireland

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A friend sent this on to me:

Brexit is Brexit, it’s red, white and blue
Hard Brexit, soft Brexit, thick Brexit stew
Full English Brexit, it’s served with a T
Toast’s what the UK is going to be

Brexit with Kippers, you know it’s a cod
Served up with a pint and a wink and a nod
When the stakes were turned up Farage was everywhere
Now sightings of Nigel are medium rare

Ulster Fry Brexit, and Scotch Eggs-it too
Nexit, Irexit, even Legs-it will do
French Fries are out, Britain’s serving up chips
On the shoulders of fools bent on apocalypse

Continental Brexit is top of the menu
The Houses of Parliament today’s dining venue
But just what is Brexit, well nobody knows
Though it strongly looks like emperor’s brand new clothes

Experts are idiots, so says Mr. Gove
Now they’re hated from Carlisle to Brighton and Hove
Knowledge is ridiculed, ignorance bliss
Little England prefers to talk out of its Swiss

Englishmen don’t like their cucumbers straight
Imaginary rules are a reason to hate
The tabloids are like a great shoal of piranhas
The Brits have decided to go straight bananas

Tommy doesn’t like foreigners, he says “get 'em out”
But the irony is that the Queen is a Kraut
Boris is Russian, Farage is a Frog,
Descended from Frenchies, not from a bulldog

Churchill is dead and the empire has gone
But the Brits can’t accept that the world has moved on
“We’ll stand on our own feet, Britain is first”
How long for the delusional bubble to burst


He/she did in his/her arse . :sunglasses:

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Into the dustbin with it.

He has put his name to far worse efforts than that


Dunno, that’s pretty bad.



44 years of tyranny has come to an end today


Indeed, a great day for Europe.


Will you have a little celebration this evening?

indeed, the British are not afraid to stand on our own two feet, unlike Mick the Muldoon who is shitting himself over Brexit


Disagree. Its in the EU’s interests to profer some agreement given the large balance of payments deficit the UK has with the EU. Whether an agreement can be reached that can save face on both sides is a different story.

after all their chest thumping and immaturity about “making us pay” it will be the EU who will come crawling to the UK with a deal


No local Jihadis running around here last time I checked. Thick little englanders blaming the EU for the legacy of imperialism. If I were you I’d be making arrangements for a hasty return to Muldoon land.

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It’s in the EU’s interests to make sure this is a giant fiasco, or else they’ll all be running for the door.

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Theresa May personally licked the envelope that was handed to Donald Tusk, that has made my day, we really shoved it right up into them in Brussels, did ye see Tusk whinging “we miss you already” :joy: