Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

The thick ignorant Paddie can’t get his head around complex political issues

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The Andrew Marr show is tremendous, its fast becoming a little tradition of mine to watch it

London has more billionaires than any city on Earth


The A-rabs love London.


And the poor Native English living in tower blocks in Tower Hamlets.

And the Russians.

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As well as the thick mick labourers. But its ok, they live in the city with the most billionaires, so stand proud.


It’s a little tradition the English have, being servile to the wealthy.


Tisn’t just the English .

Aye, the Welsh are cunts for it too

The level of private debt in the UK is a problem that gets little or no coverage. Ordinary British people are extremely vulnerable to an economic crisis. Real wages have fallen by 10% or more over the last decade and a huge section of the population is surviving on a credit cards and loans. Things are bad now. If they get worse anything is possible.



It’s going to be carnage. I think all public sector wages will end up cut 10%
Massive layoffs.
Economy will take a 20% hit I think.
It’ll slowly recover as sterling devalues radically, but it’ll be ten or fifteen years just to get back to now.
Fucking idiots.

Not a hope.

I couldn’t put figures on it, but there is no compelling financial case for Brexit. I am not aware of any significant trade deals going to waste because the UK is part of the EU. If the country wants to adopt a low corporation tax model like Ireland, then that option is available within the EU framework.

Nobody on the leave side has put forward any sort of convincing argument for a financial exit, because there isn’t one. The 350 mil a week has been shown for what it is.

All you are left with is ideology. This is entirely driven by a half baked, anti-intellectual, closed ideology . As a national strategy, I’d put it somewhere between Dev’s self-sufficiency drive and Pol Pot’s year zero.


Brexit is the longest suicide act in history.

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I would tend to agree with the anti intellectualism point. The US and the U.K. are in the grip of a wave of anti intellectual hysteria. Good riddance to the Anglo Saxon cunts. Us Europeans have held firm on this, thank goodness and now we have a philosopher in the Elysee palace.

Have you read this Fagan? It’s long but very interesting.

Both countries are dancing to the tune of the lower half of the electorate. In the case of the UK, they’ll be fucked because of it.

This lad in France will have us in a federal Europe in no time. I can’t wait.