Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Probably dropped off half their families in UK already.

Would they have still been alive when they got the Ferry to Ireland? It does seem a strange root to take though from Bulgaria to Ireland and then to the UK. I thought most road freight for Ireland went through the UK?

The article above suggested it was a very unusual route, unless you were using smaller ports to avoid Calais

I saw someone suggest online this was karma for what happened at the football match last week. Pretty low stuff.

Less checks on trucks from Ireland to UK than from France to UK maybe.

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The Daily Hatemail has gone all in

And also pretty stupid stuff. It wasn’t Bulgarians in it ffs they are legally entitled to work in the UK

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They were hardly in a refrigerated lorry? :anguished:

Are they saying he was just collecting the container or was he the guy who originally dropped it there?

Going to have to watch that Gommorah episode with Ciro in Bulgaria.


They are saying now it never went through ireland. Belgium to the UK

Bulgarians have said the truck didnt come from there

This fella is in trouble.

His social media is littered with images of this truck so that usually means he’s the main pilot.

I thought it was very usual that Images this morning on Sky News had no company haulage logos on the truck or trailer.

Truck companies are big into their signage normally.

So it’s a Bulgarian registered truck owned by an Irish woman, driven by a Northern Irish lad through a Belgian port to the UK with poor misfortunes of God knows what nationality dead in the back.

With a name like that he must be a staunch Protestant.

Laurelvale is a very staunch area.

I would imagine it was registered only in Bulgaria because it’s a LHS drive mainly used on the Continent.

Loads of Irish Haulage Companies working in Mainland Europe purchase spec’d Lorries for there.

I can’t understand why they’ve charged this fella if they know he only picked up the load.

I see online some article from back in 2007 about it having a huge Suicide Rate for a village of its size.

Is it a Protestant village or mixed?

Does he have hands?
Does he have a face?

He does? Then it wasn’t us!

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