Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

You’ve given the whole evening crying mate

The right tone was struck. No hysteria. Proper leadership it was

Nicholas witchell is surely the most pointless person on the planet

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Thats a lot of crying for one man in one day.

Johnson is in hospital.

He’s gone

Jesus christ this is getting serious now

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Dominic Raab is going to chair a cobra meeting first thing in the morning

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Dominic didn’t realise dover-calais was an important trade route until very recently.
His only talents in life are backing the right horse in the Brexit race (out if idiocy and bigotry rather than guile), and being so irretrievably dim that Cummings doesn’t perceive him as a threat.


the Scottish medical secretary has resigned after getting caught out acting the bollix

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She clung in there. Initially said it was an urgent necessary trip to secure her (second) home, but, sadly for her, got caught out as she had been there the week before also.
Economical with the truth, thick necked and a hypocrite. She’d ironically fit in well in Westminster.


You should stand for election the next time .

Don’t know much about her flatty. Bit of a cunt?

@Tassotti get the hell out of there or get your affairs in order. The place is going down.


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Never heard of her before, but she’d been on telly repeatedly hectoring families stuck in gardenless flats that they must not go out unless absolutely essential. Meanthewhile, she was away off to her second home every weekend in the country, and out walking the dog and socializing.
When she got caught, she refused to resign, despite being caught red handed in her utter hypocrisy, saying it was an urgent visit to secure her home as she wouldn’t be able to go again. Then it emerged that she had also been there the week before.
I don’t see much wrong with her going tbh, but she can’t be hectoring people considerably less fortunate for going to the local park, and trying to lie her way out of it when caught. She should have resigned immediately imho.


She’s from Belfast mate.

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Rules don’t apply to politicians mate.

Are you stuck in a gardenless flat? If not don’t presume to talk on their behalf. A lot of them might be fine with her behavior, just as a lot of people in gardenless flats love the royalty.

Oh fuck off.