Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

This is it. With the Attorney General supporting him and then Shapps rewriting guidance off the cuff at the briefing, the police are fucked this weekend. Everyone will be out and about now and we’ll be back to square one in a few weeks times and then some.

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Cummings has shit on every single person in that cabinet.

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The UK is going for herd immunity and they are nearly there

Correct and Boris is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.

Herd Mentality at the minute with the tories out in force defending him

Gove is the only one who will survive.

Another cunt

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The slimiest of them all. and possibly the most dangerous of the lot.


Himself and Mogg

Coldwar Steve is on the ball tonight!


That’s fucking tremendous.

He’s a brilliant Twitter account to follow.

Come home @Declan_Moffat.Were bad but not that bad

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What about partition on mainland Europe mate?

Ah Jesus flatly . I hope you night’s sleep was affected thinking up that :sunglasses:

That’s one set of figures released by Westminster.
Tell me though, what price for a barrel of oil does Ireland need to be viable?
Im surprised at the fear that an independent Scotland seems to bring out in many Irish people.
The September 1913 crew haven’t gone away you know.

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Nope just woke up there about 630 and, as a decent up to date news source, I had a quick browse as usual on tfk to take the global pulse.
Should you not be fumbling in a greasy till somewhere with @Julio_Geordio?

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An independent Scotland was a no no for 55% of Scots in 2014 . Why should the micks be unwavering in supporting it . FWIW I couldn’t give a toss either way but the argument for it doesn’t stack up .

The Scotch had their chance and they chickened out of it.

I’m not a servile lickspittle who sees things entirely through my wallet unlike others it seems.
You conveniently forget the polls that had the vast majority of people living in the Republic voting against a united Ireland if it meant a tax rise for them. Mind you, that’d be your line of reasoning also I’d imagine. Scotland should get the fuck away from Westminster.
All the lads making the “better together” arguments, such as yourself quote the finances released by Westminster as gospel. They are actually hotly disputed. The same lads mostly still live in the back bedroom at their parents cos it makes no financial sense to move out.

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