Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I’m surprised he didn’t drive to his wife’s parent’s castle. Plenty of room for self isolation there.

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You seem to be settling in for another day of bizarrely defending the indefensible actions of an utter utter cunt of a man.
I’m sure you’ll get a few to come along with you, but I’m afraid I’m not interested. Have fun

Grand, so you were wrong with your statement, we can move on.

Cummings looks like a slimy cunt. On that basis alone, they should get shut of him.

It was a moment of weakness.

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Cummings doing a press conference later on

He sits on the scientific advisory comitay

Twice, or Barnard castle on a day out. Twice.

If he drove up with the kid he must have driven back to collect him?

Did he not stay there isolating while his folks looked after the kid?

Slimebucket Gavin Williamson didn’t do them any favors with his interview earlier on. Pretty much lobbed the parcel directly at the PMs feet

Cummos strategy at press conference?

Keep mentioning he was acting as a worried parent
He is under a lot of stress
A few tears could be a good move
Some story from his childhood referencing the NHS
He loves his country

Unless he shows up with hard evidence of no wrondoing he’s done. He’s not liked by anyone least of tall the public its one last roll of the dice from No 10. Boris knows he’s utterly butterly bollixed without him

Will Boris be make an entrance to help his buddy out or remain in his favorite hiding place?

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Sure Boris gave him the nod to make the trip.

How are the brits with track and trace, Surely its possible to track his movements through his phone? That would put the entire matter to bed

O’Neill is on Sky right now defending Johnson and Cummings

He was on LBC this morning as well. He is some wum sometimes.

That lad reminds me a bit of @Enrique on here, very easy to predict. Boulton absolutely eviscerating him here