Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

O’Neill is a British version of John McGuirk

He’s on Dunphys podcast a good bit, herd to listen to, an unapologetic shill. Both parents from Mayo

I just had a little google to find out who this O’Neill character is. That article I’m after posting is fairly remarkable. Cummings had nothing to do with the shut-down basically. We dont even know what Dominic Cummings thinks about the shut-down. The shut-down seems to have been created by chattering-class-remainers, not the Tories at all.

He was front and centre of the Brexit debate.

Who’s this O Neill chap?

Runs a ‘contrarian’ website funded by the Koch brothers and is generally a libertarian wingnut.

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Dunphy introduces him as “An ardent Brexiteer”.

Cummings statement at 4pm.

Lie obfuscate
Turn right
The End


Squeaky bum time for Dom and, by proxy, Boris

I dunno Flatty. He’ll need balls of steel and a magic wand to escape this. MPs must be putting serious pressure on Boris, whose own self preservation will surely be kicking in.

This is a witch hunt like no other. Bleeding heart remainers still sore over the result and Cummins attitude to them since has them seething.
What he did was the equivalent of breaking the speed limit ffs


Wasn’t really, but anyhow.
I’d rather he stayed in place as he is now a figure of public disdain, and would be a running sore for the Tory front bench.
He’s actually, outside of brexit, got some good ideas.
Problem is hes just a cunt, and everybody knows it.
Imagine remaining bessiers with a man who assaulted your wife, just out of personal ambition.

Problem is for Boris is that his own self preservation depends on Cummings staying in place

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Thats it in a nutshell. A good Svengali is hard to find these days

Bring back Theresa May - all is forgiven.

Fuck sake lads. I have half my twix ate already waiting for the cunt

Getting the last of the lies straight before he goes out. :slight_smile:

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Typical tan tardiness on display here. You’d never see Mick show up late for a hastily called press briefing, so you wouldn’t