Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

They could start by focusing on what working people actually care about, rather than what they think working people should care about. Sadly leftists focus mostly on issues that working people either don’t care about or actually disagree with.

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I’ve never had an American flag in front of my house, but have no issue with those who do. Most of them are honoring those who gave their lives so lads like you are free to sprout bullshit on the internet.

You’ve moved on from defendeng Dominic Cumstains very quick I see. Hard to defent the indefensible alright. The right wing elitist Govts have adopted all the issues the left have been pushing for overnight. Go figure

News flash lads.
I only ate the key ring…
And I’d do it again

The poppy wearers spout the same shite as this too. But only a fool wouldn’t know this, have you a cupboard full of poppys to go along with your stars and stripes or something?

I’ve never defended the Tories mate, and wouldn’t vote for them if I lived in the UK. English politicians by and large (of all flavors) are a bunch of clowns, like a lot of the population.

If it wasn’t for brave American soldiers western Europe would be living under the Nazis or the Soviets. Take you pick (I’m pretty sure you’ll pick the Soviets being a bit of a commie).

There are several rumours circulating that neither Cummings nor his wife actually had the virus at all. They just scarpered when Boris got sick.


Sounded like a tummy bug they caught from their kid to me.

You’ve just outed yourself as an imperialist. Its the logicial consequence of being a right wing nut I suppose. That and facism. Thats todays lesson done I’m going back to my roller now

Wait, you were practically staking your e reputation on Dominic Cumming about 10 posts up. What is it with the far rights blind infatuation with this total spoofer? There was another lad the other day too, hasn’t been seen or heard of since. What a bizarro individual to foresake your entire credibility upon

Did you consider the Soviet Union imperialist ??

Did you open the tin of biscuits yesterday?

Who gives a fuck what he thinks? He’s irrelevant like the “great” eu


You need a lie down mate.

If only he had a guitar nearby to smash.


You don’t have to be an evil Dominic Cummings genius mastermind to manipulate the right wing simpletons by the looks of things

Is this day 2 or day 3 of @Lazarus Dominic Cummings family car trip meltdown :smiley:

Facism, brexit and trump lumped in also, it’s probably only about a 7.2 on the meltdown scale but you’d have to feel there’s potential for more.

Right on cue :pint:

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Jesus I’m feeling like an 8 year old again when my Mam told me about Santa not being real. @anon7035031 is voting for the donkeys in November, I’m devastated