Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

What was it you were saying there about dubious manipulation of data again @anon7035031?

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Everything that was needed to know about the mortality of Covid-19 was known in February with the results from the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Of the roughly 700 that tested positive, over 50% of them had no symptoms, and who knows how many more had had it and recovered as no antibody tests were done. Clue #1. Of the 301 that had symptoms, here is the mortality data:

Age 0 - 69, 177 cases, zero deaths.

Age 70-79, 95 cases, 3 deaths.

Age 80-89, 29 cases, 4 deaths.

Clue #2.

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Cat got your tongue @anon7035031 or any other right wing nutjob for that matter?
Cummings today: “Last year I wrote about the possible threat of coronaviruses and the urgent need for planning”… appears to be reference to this blog… actually about biolab accidents and giving a “Red Team” £1m to test security including honey traps …

The most secure bio-labs routinely make errors that could cause a global pandemic & are about to re-start experiments on pathogens engineered to make them mammalian-airborne-transmissible ‘Although the institutions of our culture are so amazingly good that they have been able to manage stability in the face of rapid change for hundreds of years, the knowledge of what it takes to kee…

blog does reference coronavirus, in relation to an accident at a Chinese lab that led to 1 SARS death in 2004 … not sure what message he is sending here. If he is saying that the blog was prescient, does he think the pandemic has something to do with a leak from a biolab?

Listening to him, he seemed to be saying that there was no way he would have backed herd immunity because he had warned of pandemic threat in particular from coronaviruses [ie with no vaccines and treatments] which would have been impressively prescient, but cant see it there…

I’m genuinely very interested in what exactly he was warning about - I’ve searched his blog for coronavirus - only 1 thing comes up - that biolab thing. SARS same, MERS, nothing. Please show me the warnings, I want to read them, will link to them here

Again - he literally told us to read his blog about his warnings on this topic - but the only warning on his blog I can find is re protecting biolabs from attack, not eg wet markets, or a virus with no vaccine or treatments - so what exactly is he asking us to infer here?

Weirder and weirder…

@jwiechers put blog through Internet archive machine and reference to coronavirus, quote on coronavirus was not in the version of blog saved on Way Back MAchine on Apr 9 2020 … but is there this month…

Unroll available on Thread Reader

And the account of the internet archive does check out - see the history here:

why would a reference to coronavirus be added in the last month?..*/https://…

change in April that appears to be shown on internet archive is quote from below article is expanded to include that reference to coronavirus I quoted at the top of the thread… so perhaps he thought he was warning about coronavirus by linking to this:

Human error in high-biocontainment labs: a likely pandemic threat - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Mammal-transmissible bird flu research poses a real danger of a worldwide pandemic that could kill human beings on a vast scale.

MORE: info on Way Bank machine internet archive corroborated by info on actual blog sitemap -hat tip @martbrow @exactlyaron and @jonwilliams80

edit that added “coronavirus” quote made “2020-04-14 T20:55:20”

So same day he returned to work, after Durham

To be clear - I was genuinely interested in how prescient he had been on coronaviruses, and expected to be impressed.

Perhaps that writing is elsewhere… I’d be interested in reading it and happy to link to it, if anyone can show it me.


NEW: No 10 source acknowledges blog was indeed updated, but says the original version from last year linked to an article [in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists] which did discuss coronaviruses [in the bits not quoted from originally but subsequently added].

The actual quote from yesterday’s press conference is actually stronger than the one from a transcript at top of thread:

“Only last year I wrote explicitly about the danger of coronaviruses”…

The TFK far right alliance waffling away to each other avoiding the central issues just like their hero Boris. Lol You couldn’t make it up

She’d be your age group alright

Sounds like he was absolutely correct in warning about the dangers of human errors in biolabs potentially leading to pandemics, something @labane1917 was warning about earlier than Dominic Cummings. It is most likely that the SARS-Cov-2 virus accidentally escaped from the Wuhan virology lab, all the evidence points to that. The leftists you are reading on Twitter have zero idea what they are talking about, like yourself.

You’re way out of your depth here mate, I’d suggest you back off before embarrassing yourself further.

Wrong about Trump
Wrong about Scotch Independence
Wrong about Brexit
Wrong about UK GE 2019

When are ye lads ever going to understand the difference between what you would like to happen and what is going to happen?


It also says they are stupid cunts who are easily fooled. They’d be better off not voting

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What an arrogant statement, they have the same right to vote as anyone else. If the Labour party and Democratic party want their votes, perhaps they should promote policies that working people care about, rather than expecting their vote.


If voting changed anything they would ban it

They just don’t get it fella.

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Are you against ‘dubiuos manipulation of data or not’? Your words not mine. You’ve lied your way into this now lets see how you lie your way back out.

Trump, who thinks swallowing detergent is a good idea? I’d say I got that one right
Scotch Ind? Scots are lackies, what you gonna do
Brexit- Still hasn’t happened
UK GE 20, Other than the tories eating their own, hows that working out for you?

When are the right wing nutjobs going to start thinking for themselves again and stop believing everything Trump and Boris tell them?

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Yes I’m against dubious manipulation of data. Everyone does it in politics as you well know and most of the media as well.

Forget about the leftists you follow on Twitter. Are you saying that Dominic Cummings was wrong to warn about the dangers of viruses escaping from biolabs?

Maybe a better question is why can leftists never win an election in recent history and also destroy the chances of moderate parties winning elections. Obviously the electorate think left wing nut jobs are more repulsive than right wing nut jobs.

He manipulated voters data too to win the election. The same as Cambridge Analytica and Trump. Not very democratic wouldn’t you agree? But consistent at least with the far rights power grabs down the centuries

Doesn’t really matter what he says on his blog does it? A, no one reads it and B, He’ll just doctor it to make him look like he predicted events. He’s a total bullshitter in other words, time to find a new hero to worship bro. That fella in Hungary looks right up your street

I’m a moderate mate, consistently vote Democrat and will be voting Democrat in November. Sadly you’re a typical left wing nutjob who cannot see the flaws of their own worldview. To the extent that everyone who disagrees with you is a right wing nutjob, which once again is the reason Democrats in the US and Labour in the UK have trouble winning elections.

You’re basically a Sidney lite.

Because they don’t manipulate private data or make false promises or worship false Gods, who’s next for the far right, Trump, Boris? Maybe it’s time Roger Mellie the man on telly had a crack at it?

Do you still have the American flag out the front of your house as a matter of interest?