Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

The blind leading the blind. The TFK toryboy fanclub with some serious egg on their faces tonight

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Emily Maitlis has been stood down by the bbc from Newsnight after her opening rant on last nights show.

Those brave enough to speak truth to power will always be the first to die

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She should fuck off to Channel Four her spiritual home.


Maitlis was an outlier, a genuine journalist, almost a mythical figure in itself these days in other words. As foretold by myself and my late sidekick @sidney this is no surprise. The far right have long pulled the strings of media, just check the regression of the more simple minded posters on here for proof. Bye bye Emily hello Brendan O Neill. Sad indictment of the world today. It will backfire though


Need more than your generic beaseless oneliners this time buddy, ta.
Unless you have no more?

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Is she stuck for a bed for the night? I’m sure I could sort something out for her


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You need to calm down a bit bro. Whatever anyoned views on Cummings, covid, Johnson, Trump etc. are is going to make fuck all difference to anything. But listen vent away if it makes you feel better

A man surrounded and looked after by women need to be better than your post above

I rest my case

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Sound, head off so and leave it to the big boys now

Maybe you should follow your own advice

You’re a nice lad, your commentry here belittles who you are no doubt, it happens. Now contribute in a meaningful manner from here on please

No shit Sherlock



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How ya?

Dear lord

It’s a pity the impartiality doesn’t apply to Laura Kuennsberg.

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She would find plenty of likeminded spirits there. Remoaners.