Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Emily thought she was superwoman after sitting in front of a creep who dug his own grave a few months back

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Would she not have been reading from a teleprompter?

A banal sentence. Followed by a banal made up word.

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I’ve lost all interest in the Cummings scandal since Leo went for his picnic in Phoenix Park. I’ve seen hundreds of people moved on by the cops the last few weeks for congregating by the canal, including myself moved on multiple times, but it’s ok for our pink elite to do whatever they want. Paddy then has the nerve to laugh at the Brits. #justiceforDominic

Did Sidney make this?

It’s almost like you aren’t doing anything wrong. Buzzkills.

The whole incident reminds me of the old Paddy Irishman joke.

Paddy Scotsman, Paddy Englishman and Paddy Irishman are all in an airplane that crash lands in the jungle. They go to the local tribe and ask for help to leave the jungle. The chief of the tribe says “we’ll help you out but first you have to undergo trial by umga wumga. Each of you go it into the jungle and come back with fruit.” Paddy Scotsman is the first to come back and he’s carrying grapes. The tribe pin him down and shove the grapes right up his ass. Paddy Scotsman screams with pain but it’s over soon enough and they let him go. Paddy Irishman comes back next with big oranges. The tribespeople pin him down and start shoving the oranges up his hole. Half way through it Paddy Irishman starts laughing. The tribespeople stop and ask him what the story is. No-one is supposed to laugh during Umga Wunga. “Ah”, says Paddy Irishman, “I saw Paddy Englishman earlier on and he’s coming back with pineapples”.

That joke basically sums up Paddy’s attitude to Leo and Cummings. Paddy is getting oranges shoved up his hole but all he cares about is laughing at John Bull getting pineapples. It’s pathetic.


Poor Dominic. If only truth wasn’t a thing

@Batigol having his fun

Paddy is obsessed with John Bull. I think tassoti coined the phrase post colonial self loathing many years ago and it’s spot on.


He learned that off Donal óg

Tassotti learns from no one

Are you calling him a thick?

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A bad few days for @Lazarus and couple of the other simpletons who piled in thinking they had
Watergate on their hands. Who would have thought ‘man makes car journey with family to isolate’ would show up such ineptitude in a few lads here. Unreal. There was even a fella advising which family members Dom should have sought out :joy:

Are we still talking about this?

Brendan just cannot let it go.

no one gives a shit about that now


The obsession that far too many Irish people have with all things British is so unseemly, it’s as if they never learned to cycle without their colonial training wheels.