Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

They will consider the matter closed by Tuesday.
The matter of the Lebedev peerage will be closed by Monday.

How many sitting Tory MPs are there that were formerly ministers?

I found this list in the comments of the UK Politics reddit. The names in red aren’t in their 50s:

Since the person is in his 50s

Chris Skidmore 39
George Freeman 53
Geoffrey Cox 60
Julian Smith 48
Sajid Javid 50 (god please no)

Jeremy Hunt 53
David Lidington
Philip Hammond
Damian Hinds 50
Liam Fox 58
David Gauke
Greg Clark 52
Chris Grayling 58
David Mundell 58
Rory Stewart
Jeremy Wright 47
Brandon Lewis 49
Mel Stride 58
James Brokenshire 52

level 2


10 points·17 hours ago

Brokenshire is still a Minister

level 2


7 points·16 hours ago

Mundell is gay so it’s probably not him

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I’m going to go with Liam Fox.

I’ve heard of the name and I’ve an idea in my head that he’s supposed to be a cunt even by Tory standards. It could be Javid. Some fairly famous names on that list.

He hasn’t been suspended by the party is the latest news. I wonder if that will turn into another scandal.


I didn’t know he was a minister

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He’s a white van driver from Waterford.

Can’t be ruled out on that count, just ask his fellow tory Ian Dale

He’s a left footer. I’d have LOVED it if it was that odious little prick though.

Son of Irish immigrants to Scotland who joins the Tories. :rollseyes:

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He’s an uucoam

Cummings looks like he is trying to divest himself of Scotland.

The Gover quietly sharpening his knives in the background here

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Not that quietly either I reckon.
Seriously though, I suppose they’d rather have her outside the camp, and there’s a bit of damned if you do and damned if you don’t, but the optics of this will stir up further anti English sentiment.

A lot of brave patriots being told to fuck off by Churchill’s grandson :laughing:

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@Tassotti the BBC are refusing to play “Rule Brittania” at the Last night of the Proms. WTF like?

I think they’re baiting the Tories there

It will get pwopa nawty