Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I would too. England is grimmer in spots than bits of the third world.

Yeah a lot of second and third generation Irish lads working in ground works over there. Raw men and raw work.

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I see the bold Boris is on a wind up, he must be bored.

What a cunt he is. World class cunt.


I wonder whether Cummings is trying to push Scotland toward independence.

The Scotch still wouldn’t have the balls to do it.

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I fear you are right, but you never know.

Boris is the best thing that ever happened to the SNP

I see the Tories are up to their old tricks again. Former government minister arrested on suspicion of rape

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Which one?

Still an MP

Didn’t say on sky news. Just that it was a former government minister. If she wasn’t a current minister, my money would be on Patel, the cunt even if she is a woman

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Probably get back on the front bench.

Peerage guaranteed

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Probably a Remainer

Ken Clarke?

No doubt Jeremy Corbyn will be blamed for this

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Proper order