Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Bad an all as he is at least hes a blatant idiot. God forbid what kind of lives yes have over there if that snake Gove was pm.

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Would you swap him for corbyn?


And take bribes

He could probably make a few bob letting out the flat in Islington

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I can’t imagine he would ever have earned massive money in private sector . Has he done anything other than journalism ??

You try keeping six* children on my salary and see how you get on

*At least


Charlie Moore to be the next Chairman of the BBC. That will drive a few woke folk apeshit.

I meant Boris but yeah

That article is 100% Gove’s doing. Events are in motion.

I would have happily once I realized he was in no way shape or form conciliatory or pragmatic, yes.
Now, it’d make little difference.
I don’t think Corbyn was centreist enough tbh, but I think that by and large he’s an honourable man.

Give and Boris are just two cheeks of an arse.
Gove is no brighter than Boris.
Cummings is thick also.
The problem is that they are all to stupid to realise that they are.

The Gover and Cummings are running the show now.

And what a fine job they are doing.

I assume Gove and indeed all mps will be exempt from patel’s stasi drug testing plans for working people.
What am i thinking, mps are better than mere working people, of course they’ll be fine.

Ah lads, I hope this is true

You’d assume an airport would be wall to wall with cctv so this would be easy enough to verify.

Wouldn’t a PM realise that and likely ask for some snaky side route to avoid being recorded?

It’s irrelevant. Johnson probably wasn’t there, and tbh, even if he was he will blame the EU and sit it out.

What’s the story here anyone know?

Why is there the need for 2 sign language people?