Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

As gaeilge agus as Bèarla?

You reckon? We don’t even run with two down here to distinguish. So is our one always in gaelige?

Ulster Scots and Irish

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They distinguish sign language between them?

If that’s up north it’s probably English sign language and Irish sign language. English and Irish sign language are completely different from each other and come from completely different sign language families. They’re as close as English and Japanese. I think it’s that Ireland uses the European system and England uses the American system but that might not be right. The deaf Taigs up north speak Irish sign language and the deaf Prods use English sign language and the deaf folk from the two communities can’t speak to each other.

So maybe that’s it.


It’s Ulster sign language. It’s the same as normal sign language, except there’s a load of random :raised_hand: thrown in. Ulster says no

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The one on the left is the fenian, giving Snarlene the two fingers.

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Arlene would take all 5

Was that absolutely necessary?


Gway, you were dying to say as much about Leo

The misogyny crew out again.

I’ve no issue with Leo’s sexuality. It’s his cuntishness I object to.

You try to hide it but it seeps out

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You could argue, theres a conflict of interest in that post

So what is the story on blowhard Johnson? He is surely toast if he was in Italy

It was Tony Blair. The eyetie at the airport got them mixed up.

Shur they all look the same

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Nothin on the English news about it

Edit. Sorry, my bad. I was actually watching man v food


My friend in Red square has confirmed this to be true

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