Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Shetlanders feeling good about their place in the uk

Kent given away to the EU, the Jocks surely feeling braver than they were when they had the choice and now this. Interesting yet bizarre times :laughing:

edit: not to mention Gibraltar throwing up a border with the uk :smile:

There’s been little or no coverage of the Gibraltar news. Boris will get some shock when he finds out.



Kay Burley thinking of @Tassotti today.

I love when they have to explain the restrictions. It really drives home how fucking ridiculous and unfair they are.

When you realise modem life is mostly all theatre it’s liberating.


They are trying to save lives mate, there’s no time to make sense

Are people still having casual sex?

Speaking solely for myself, no.


Not since there were cineplexes.

Time for @Tassotti to break out the tin whistle

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Panic buying is back, but there’s no downsides, only upsides. :rage:

Kier Kier Kier


Everybody can relax. In a year or so the democrats in the US, Labor in UK and Sinn fein right here will be in power and the world will be a nice safe friendly place to live in once again.** Don’t lose hope guys.

**Not including Poland

That’s Sir Keir to you pal

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The head on that cunt.
Apparently the hand picked speaker isn’t going to allow a vote on it.

Top bantz