Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Cameron admitted this week to feeling embarrassed by the revelations, which include a story about him telling Swire during a country walk that the scent she was wearing made him want to “give her one” in the bushes.

Time for Sir Graham and the other men in the grey suits to put a revolver and a glass of brandy on Boris’ desk.


Sounds like they just need the revolver.


Surely after being outed for rogering a pig, any subsequent revealations aren’t going to harm his reputation much

Getting serious now in Taninsania

It’s a pity @Tassotti cannot see this.

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Johnny Foreigner :joy:

He’s claiming the Brits invented democracy and free speech now. The Greeks will want that back along with their pillars.

Isn’t he supposed to be a Classics scholar :joy:

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That’s astounding.

It is isnt it? Completely on the hoof bullshit and bluster. A lad would be laughed out of a bar for saying that shit.

Not yet. Someone has to take the shit that’s shortly coming along. And then they’ll wheel Give out

Dont Tesco do an their own brand brandy? I wouldn’t waste the good stuff on the cunt

Half a league, half a league,

Half a league onward,

All in the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!

Charge for the guns!” he said.

Into the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.

He doesn’t need to believe it, just the John Bull types who will lap it up

That’s a great evisceration. They didn’t invent free speech or democracy, but the Brits do snide journalism very well.

All the good men are fallen. Only the inferior ones remain, and my goodness, one of them appears to have found his way into Number 10 Downing Street.

Lunchtime drinking I suspect.

I agree with what Boris is saying there. The Brits are getting infected because they oppose any restrictions on their freedom and won’t follow rules like the boring Germans. He’s right. I say fair fucks to them.

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Classic Dom won’t like this. Bloody unelected peers wanting to keep the food chain untarnished.

Ooo the fack do vey fink vey awwww
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Martial law beckoning for tanland