Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Good old Bojo

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Did she not deny this a couple of months ago? Boris takes a very french approach to public life for a Brexiteer

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She did indeed. I think her exact words were, ‘I did not have sexual relations with a clown’

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She looks older than 35.

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She looks like him

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Con: (+5)

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He has to go

Con: (+8)

There’s a Netflix drama series about it White House Farm. The makers of that have no doubt who did it.

I’d need to read the article about the appeal again, but there would seem to be the usual litany of withheld\obscured evidence typical of British justice. I sort of remember at the time that the evidence against him seemed to be overwhelming but we Irish have learned a few harsh lessons about British justice. As always with same there’s a, to put it mildly, reluctance to overturn convictions.

Yeah I think the series was based around the book by the father of the two boys so he obviously blamed Jeremy.

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He’ll probably get a state funeral here now and a late late special


The son will probably get a meal ticket for 20 years off the Irish establishment .

I would think old John must have been needy . Good novelist in the day but churned out some awful shite later on .

I doubt the son will need a meal ticket

All the more reason he’ll be offered one here

It won’t be long before the woke crowd here bán tinker, tailor soldier, spy.


Boris is going for a pint.

He has somehow snatched a seeming victory from what was actually an overwhelming defeat.

His own Dunkirk