Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

He seemed like quite the character in fairness to him.


Born into a life of supreme privilege and choose to spend it being a racist cunt. A character alright


The Australians are amongst the most loyal Commonwealth subjects. Flags will be at half mast throughout the Empire.


For fucks sake

The Aussies love the royals like nobody else. It wouldn’t surprise if there’s a minute silence at all their sporting events over the weekend.

The Duke of Edinburgh had a tough enough start to life. Exiled from Greece as a toddler when his uncle was forced to abdicate in the aftermath of the First World War. Smuggled out of Greece in a box prevent him from capture and murder by a bloody thirsty mob of rabble rousing republicans.

His poor mother suffered badly with mental health issues and was institutionalised for good chunks of her life.

They’ve had many opportunities to declare their Independence and have chosen not to do so.

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They might even wear shoes to mark the occasion.

The Australians are great for mouthing off about Poms and Pommies and the like. Behind it all it’s just a load of bluster. They love their Queen and Royal Family. Can’t ever see them going it alone.

Have to agree. Why don’t the Aussie’s go it alone?

To be fair to the Aussies that is good sporting banter . Just like Philip liked a bit of banter .

That zombie cunt has been dead for years.

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Phillip was great in The Queen. RIP

Did you love him in it?

Kay Burley must be seething

The tributes are just pouring in. A very fulsome one there from Mar-a-Lago.

Apparently Cork have just announced a week of mourning



Also he was related to Mountbatten who was a peado and his son is an alleged sex pest too

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