Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

That fishmonger back enjoying another five minutes of fame on the news earlier.


I presume this is a joke but…


Una Healy has drank the soup.

Shes been drinking it for years

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Swallowed it more like


Royal Funeral Watch (@GrieveWatch) looks like an entertaining Twitter account to follow for next while.


144 pages of coverage in the daily mail.

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Great account :ok_hand:

Poppies are so 2020. It’s all about the half mastery arms race now.

How does that wanker propose to fly a flag without it flapping in the wind?

Even the flag on the moon flapped about

That comment has really aggravated me, I hope someone has replied to him to call him a dickhead.

I’m on the ferry. It’s bizarre. Like a ghost ship.
Had a chat with a lovely Liverpool lass at the desk. She couldn’t believe the calamity that is brexit.

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Were you in holyhead, heading in a few weeks myself again. It’s bizarre how deserted the journey is now.

I was. Got there an hour before the sailing. Only car there. Sat at the booth for thirty mins wondering had I got the wrong ferry or day, before a lady came and checked us in. All very smooth.
As an aside, a chippy in Holyhead was just voted into the top 50 fish and chip shops in the UK.


You lost pal, get over it. No need to make up pretend scouser birds that agree with your opinion.


Really, what’s it called

The 3pm kick offs are going to be moved to either 11am or 6pm to avoid a clash with the funeral.