Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Marina is about twenty levels above anything I could come up with.

Its funny that, what I’d imagine, to have been a fairly flippant comment from Boris given in his usual bravado style is what has caught him out. And not the innumerable stupid things he has actually done


It’s just the particular implement they’ve used from the comprehensive toolbox Boris handed them.
My suspicion is the potential indyref 2 is the catalyst for the heave.

Giving public money to the woman he was having an affair with didn’t gain any traction.

The man won’t even say how many kids he has

Does he even know?

I’d say he’s shelling out serious hush money

I’d say Boris is nearly broke from it. He’s supposed to dodge the child-support so the baby mamas must all be taking him to Court. The judges know he has money and he would have to pay everyone’s lawyers.

I’m not surprised to see him looking for hand-outs from the private sector. Charlie Haughey type.

Ya I’d say he hasn’t a bob to his name inspite of it all

How many kids, 8 or 9 probably? All different mothers? He’s fucked.

Boris was just following the British way, bodies piling up have never mattered as long as Britain perceveres. Give them statues and move on.

6 that he’s acknowledged (one due to a court ruling) from 3 mothers and supposedly a few more circulating. So I’d say you are about right and over under 8.5 would be the betting line


Maybe he doesn’t know for sure and won’t be a hostage to fortune ??

He certainly fucked anyway !!

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He would never have been a big earner tbh . Also add various alimony , paternity cases and there would be a serious dent on his finances

He needs to tighten his belt and zip up his mickey

Twink as his Adviser ??

Only for relationship matters. She wasn’t great on the finances herself

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