Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

The people are angry

Lying of Duty the best effort there you’d have to say. Top, top headlining.

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He’s done when the tabloids turn

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The mail and the sun :slightly_smiling_face:

You have to keep them onside. An election was never won with Groaniad readers.

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Kell surpreeze

It was the Sun wot won it

If there was an election in the morning, Boris would win with an even bigger majority. He has destroyed covid

Boris is untouchable, he can say or do anything he likes, he has delivered brexit, beaten Covid and is opening up quicker than the EU. Despite him being a bare faced liar and I have no doubt that he said “he would rather let covid rip than have another lockdown” that is something that Johnson would say, people will look at what he has delivered and will vote for him.

The tans really are a bit dim if they needed him to actually say it before they’d grasp his preferred strategy of ‘letting it rip’. I suppose it shouldn’t be a surprise when they believed Covid was a cod because a hospital with no staff had no patients.

That’s why I stayed the sentence with surprise surprise.

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Looking at what he has delivered seems a very good reason not to vote for him.

Yeah but you have to think of the mainly English insular mindset and as far as they are concerned that Boris has led them out of Europe and beaten covid and for just those he will be elected again.

They’ve one of the biggest fatality rates in the world from Covid. History won’t look at how many days earlier they lashed out the vaccine.

We’re not living in history though Mike. Not unless you dont read this post til tomorrow.

The tans are.

This isn’t about people mate, it’s about the internal politics of the Tory party, and about who the handful of media barons who really run the country have decided they want as pm. If the tabloids have truly turned against him, he’s toast. He could part the red sea, and they’d have headlines convincing the semi literate that he’d deliberately murdered fish.
He’s also a total cunt who has misplaced the map to his own mine field.


I fucking love this line! Brilliant.


Thank you. It seemed an appropriate enough analogy.


It’s beyond perfect. You should offer it to Marina Hyde for her weekly scathing attack on Boris so it gets the audience it deserves.