Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I’d say he’s a man of hidden shallows. A bone idle cunt and a psychopath who has zero idea of what it’s like to try to run a business, or make your own way in life. Not half as bright as he thinks he is. What he is, is extremely lucky. Lucky that the previously unplumbed depth of xenophobia, stupidity, selfishness and bitterness in England was a lot deeper than expected. He caught the big fish out in the trench like the old man and the sea.
He was lucky that in the NHS he had a ready made vaccine delivery system, and fortunate that for once a person of competence was in charge of procurement, again largely blind chance.
I suspect he’ll end up similar to the old man and his fish.
People are calling him a genius for winning a local election in some grotty Northern shithole which he had already bribed (likely lied to) with a Freeport, and he’d given swathes of the citizenry a year off on full pay, and such was the hype around the great plague, anyone of limited intelligence who survived thinks it’s down to the government.
When he can’t shake the money tree any longer we will see how good he is**

** We won’t because he’ll fuck off to make more money.


Hancock should have been fired ‘15 to 20 times’
This shit is box office

Jaysus he is really letting rip saying Boris wanted to get injected with covid on TV. :rofl:

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Find the scapegoat

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Starmer must be having a hard time prepping for PMQ’s today while watching this.

‘Ooh that’s juicy…fuck me that’s jucier…fucking hell, Dom, slow down, mate :grinning:

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Good post apart from this bit:

It wasn’t at all unexpected. And the depths of it haven’t been plumbed yet.

Is he still giving evidence and is it being televised live?

BBC Parliament - if you don’t have it on the tellybox, there’s this - - Commons

I hope they break for pmq’s

He’s a dweeb

Suppose to last 4hrs. What time is PMQ?

Dry your eyes mate. Ye need to get over Brexit in your tax haven.


I’d pick you or @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy as the men to do it.

He’ll still make a balls of it

“Boris Johnson invited ISIS representatives to Downing Street to plan a bomb attack on the London Underground.”

Cons +15

Each response will be a variation of ‘Baccines, Vrexit, wibble’ anyway.

:grinning: :grinning:

He reference this meme a couple of minutes ago

These are great days, my friends.

PMQ has started.

His main talent, and it is a considerable one, is being able to project really well that because he doesn’t give a shit about morality,truth, justice, such things, they are trivial, so you shouldn’t either. It’s remarkable.