Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Turns out Bojo was practising his Shakepeare while bodies were piling high on the streets…

Could be an interesting day for Bors, Cummings being questioned by MP’s on the handling of the Pandemic.

Con +4

Not long in and he’s throwing bodies under buses with 350 million written on the side of them willy nilly.

Cons (+5)

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I wonder what he body count will be by the time he is finished?

Cons (+10)

It’s amusing that a lad like Cummings who thinks he is the smartest lad in the school is flailing around now for weeks and can’t land a glove on Johnson.


Boris must have done a deal with the devil. He makes Teflon Bertie look like the amateur he was.

the haw haw is only an act, he is a very well educated, devious man.

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The most devious of them all.

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Replace ‘well’ with ‘expensively’ there. Throwing out a quote every now and then in latin or greek will impress enough gammony twerps to keep him going, mind you.
He’s a dimwitted toff who thinks he is owed everything. To rule is his right and there are enough gullible proles in England to keep him there.


there’s enough serious operators trying to get at him as well. He has his wits.

I’d say you would underestimate him at your peril. The dim witted toff is a very carefully curated act.


True, I said dim witted - I should have said weasel or snake or rat witted but that would have been a terrible slur on some of mother nature’s noble creatures.

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i’m not going to get into a situation where I’m defending Boris Johnson. :smiley:

Been the sneaky fucker’s mo for a while now. If you’re not careful you’ll end up thinking he’s just like you the next time you see him with a pint.

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Imagine how he’ll corner the nation in pride when England win Euro 2021? Boris played for England remember.

I’ll be careful then

Laura Kuenssberg must feel like a child of divorcing parents right now.

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