Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Good god

Meanwhile, Tories go on maneuvers

Zip lining worked for Boris, might work for Rees-Mogg

Why don’t they teach all these migrants to drive trucks. Two birds wan stone etc

Britain now facing into a massive energy crisis.

How long before Johnson just skips the country and goes into hiding in Barbados or somewhere for the rest of his life.

No food, no heating. Enjoy the winter lads

Why can’t all these new hgv drivers mine some great british coal?
Give miners footballers wages.

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Paul Sommerville on Twitter: “UK’s meat industry warns CO2 shortage could hit food supplies” / Twitter

Whoa, big news in England.

no one cares mate, he’ll be the Prime Minister for as long as he likes

He says he changes a lot of nappies. Does he have time for this job?

great wummery from Boris here, you can just imagine Macron hopping up and down in Paris


What a statesman.

he’s bilingual

Also fluent in Latin and ancient Greek


Savage photo bomb from the squirrel!

What is going on in Boris’s utopia?

They really have played themselves.
Also this, which of course the brits have denied. Who to believe, Johnson or Bolsonaro? Toughie that.

The Brexiteers’ retreat into the fantastical alternative reality they have created continues. Ego will prevent them from ever admitting the grand folly.

The inevitable way of all right wing culture war politics.

The way of the right wing culture warrior is as follows:

Ego and contempt for truth leads them into fantastical folly, ego prevents them from ever admitting the folly, ego trumps reality, they end up existing in a world of pure fantasy in which they are always the victims.

They’ve nothing to eat, but at least the shipments from Oxfam can be measured in pounds and stones


And they can drink beer out of glasses with a crown on them, soon as the beer shortages are sorted.
Twats :laughing:

Laugh all you want but they are ruling the waves down in the South China Sea.

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