Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Would it be fair to say London has a bit of a problem with murdering women?

Man charged.

Documentary on Blair and Brown on BBC2 this evening was good.

The partys over my blighty based chums

Thanks for that @Tim_Riggins. Keen to see this. If anybody has any idea how I could watch this without the BBC player would be grateful.

I’d find watching anything about that pair of vile creatures too depressing.
Blair has probably done as much damage to the world as any human in history, he’d certainly be top ten.
But he’s made a good few quid, which is the main thing I suppose.

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What is that?

Johnson once again showing the gullible plebs his ‘man of the people’ credentials.
Ooo, ee’s just like us innee, good old boris.

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I mean what is that he’s eating.

One can only assume he’s eating a battered fish that lived a very happy life in good old british waters away from eu oppression.

I feel ill just looking at it.

This is outstanding social media.

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Should get a few of the usual suspects hopping

I was thinking he said build back batter in the first one :joy:

Top banter

Notice no commie rags on display either :sweat_smile:

Proper order