Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

US foreign policy post World War II has been largely a disaster but I think Iraq stands alone in terms of grand folly, even above Vietnam, in that it had longer lasting consequences, consequences which show no sign of going away in our lifetimes.

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Third bullet point :joy:


funny man :rofl:

Lovely. I am going to watch this tonight after Newsnight.

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Why is the value of the Euro dropping against GBP through all this?

Hard to explain but all economic theory (which can be wrong of course ) suggests that sterling will have to weaken

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So in other words go all in on favourable Euro GBP futures right now?


The logic is that Sterling will have to weaken to keep UK exports competitive.

In truth the UK has inflicted a trade war on itself and is first country in history to do that so nobody really knows what can happen now.

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The UK will likely be raising interest rates quicker than the ECB which will be positive for GBP.

Which exports would these be?
I presume sterling is holding because it looks like inflation is taking hold and interest rate rises are expected. Whoever stops QE and/,or raises rates first will see significant appreciation of their currency I’d imagine.

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And no one wants to be left holding that card. Would the ultimate irony for the brexiteers to be priced out of export by currancy and labour cost

Would be raisinably funny.

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The Brits aren’t exactly the Sultana of Brunei at the moment in terms of money.

When you get your misognys and your misandrys mixed up

Herself and Tony would give blowjobs out in hackney marshes if the price was right.


The remaining 4 episodes of that series are on that YouTube channel btw. @RaymondCrotty @Lazarus

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I watched half of ep 1 so far. Brown didn’t have the liathroidi to take on Smith when he had to. It ruined him I’d say. Theres a great doc about the labor party going from the Benn days right up to this, its almost like a prequel, I must root it out. Kinnock got off lightly here he didn’t get in that one. Little or no mention of his ‘We’re alright’ moment or landing on his hole on Brighton Beach

Yeah, Cast Into The Wilderness was the first one I think. It’s on YouTube. There’s a few great channels on YT with U.K. political documentaries. Some good Vernon Bogdanor talks up as well about a wide variety of U.K. stuff.

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Thats the one. They underestimated the great John Major and paid a bigly price. Blair rightfully had had enough, pity what he became

Benn was a great parliamentarian, you can see Boris has studied him a bit