Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I’d have a lot more respect for Brown who I think has been a force for good in international development post 2010. So too for others in new Labour who have at least admitted error of Blair on Iraq (Prescott, Short, Cook, Jackson). Blair was a dangerously good salesman who believed his own hype. I find the period fascinating but not for all the right reasons.

Hes not a well looking man.

Certainly has. low life scum that he is

He is vile.

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Eh, steady on.

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History won’t be kind to Bush and Blair over the whirlwind they unleashed all across the Middle East.


Conversely, Blair was entirely correct to attack the Serbs in 1999.

Which lulled him into thinking Iraq would be similar.

Catch it while you can pal.


What do you mean history won’t be kind to them? It’s been widely acknowledged for years that they were wrong and they’ve been pilloried for it. Will history be more unkind to them as it rambles on?

Top ten worst humans of all time in terms of impact ok the world, still quite a stretch there anyway I’d suggest.

Tony Blair is essentially Genghis Khan

Yes I think so.

W made a point on one of the main 9/11 docs, no Islamic terror attacks in the US since then. That’s what he is hanging his hat on anyway.

In time it will be looked upon alongside all the other mistakes made in the region.

Tremendous @Tim_Riggins!

How would Blair be top ten?

He’s been one of the two main agents of destabilising the middle east, caused carnage in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, etc etc., was primarily responsible for devising the lies which facilitated the initial invasion of Iraq, and all that followed, and just so he could bend it to his personal advantage. He lied about WMD, lied about who was responsible for the attack on the trade centre, mongered war when he had a responsibility to stay calm and preach diplomacy, and made a fucking fortune for himself as a direct result of consorting with the despots on the other side of it.
He had no plan for peace, his own family avoided the conflict entirely, and millions of innocents were maimed, slaughtered and displaced, robbed and raped.
Everyone says the world changed at the point of the attack on the world trade centre. It didn’t. It changed when Blair and Bush lied their way into an illegal war, running roughshod over justice, truth, and counter even to the weapons inspectors.
Paddy of course did The Bird, but that’s a different story.
And I’ve spoken to displaced Libyans and Syrians, so I have a little knowledge of the utter destruction wrought upon Libya and Syria alone.
Let’s face it, no Blair, no Isis for a start.


Hard to argue with any of that.

Thank you. I struggle with the fact he’s still walking free, never mind pontificating on peace.


A good outline in fairness. Still though every single us president of the modern era would have a similar rap sheet not to mention the Nazis, communists, British empire etc etc so I doubt he’d squeak in to the top 10 :smiley:

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I think he would. I think you’re talking millions of dead tbh directly or indirectly, and ongoing repercussions for generations. Throw in the potential nuclear threats and he’s well in there.