Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

It’s an act that enough british simpletons lap up to keep him where he is.
Deference to their ‘betters’ is ingrained into them over there - posh name and a bit of latin and my oh my how the plebs swoon.


Something very likeable about Ros Atkins

Nadine Dorries is the Secretary for Sport, Culture and Media

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Another Tour De france from Sir Keir today.
‘Is Everything Ok Prime Minister’? Oooft someone pick Boris up off the floor

There’s a collection of clips on Twitter from yesterday. The arrogance on show was something else. She’s not very bright either.

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33 people died in a Channel crossing today. Horrible loss of life. Patel is already out saying they need to address the “pull factors.” I’d question the humanity of anyone who thinks the problem is caused by the incentives offered by the asylum process.


The whole cabinet lack any humanity. They’ve made up a “crisis” to appease their racist ex ukip vote base.


Which unfortunately will more than likely work.


That pod person has been likely fudding herself silly since she heard the news.
She is a repugnant creature but I still probably would after a clatter of pints.

Tom Pursglove makes Hildegarde Naughten sound authentic

These right wing loons are very confused. They claim to preach “personal responsibility” but are now saying that the reason young men commit crime is because the character of Doctor Who is being played by a woman.

It would be very funny all the same if a young man up before the courts for, say, burglary, gave the excuse that “I was driven into it by Doctor Who being played by a woman.”

What would have made of Danny La Rue? Did that push many women into crime?

I don’t know but I could perhaps see his point if he had specifically referenced Mrs. Brown’s Boys.

Danny La Rue’s real name was Daniel Carroll. Mrs. Brown’s real name is Brendan O’Carroll.

Carroll Spinney played Big Bird, a character commonly thought to be female but which is actually male, as was Carroll himself.

Carol is a common girls’ name.

But Karol was the Pope, a man in a dress.

In short, I don’t know if any of this pushed young women into crime. I’d probably suspect it didn’t. Unless the right wingers class travelling to England for an abortion post 1983 as a crime. Which they probably do.

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I’m amazed Shelby ever sold a car with his first name.

A more perfect VoxPop answer does not exist

— Darren Skelton (@Deisesupes) November 27, 2021

A £40m contract

somebody sent me a piece of equipment that landed today from the UK and UPS were looking for 300 snots before handing it over.

Send it back, pal

Starmer is an absolute weirdo