Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

What a total cunt fest


None of the above videos matter a fuck.
This, sadly enough could

Conservative + 4

Game set and match for Sir Kier

Article 16 announcement on the way as a distraction.

Boris will do a high wire in a jcb

The British public have had enough

Britain badly needs a Liveline.

Ruh Roh for Bojo

No Daily Express, no party.

As the forums foremost expert on UK politics I respectfully disagree

A year later? This won’t matter

Call the cops

1 Like

Cons +7

Still 10p cheaper than the Sun?

Sounds like a lot to come out yet. PMQs tomorrow will be telling

I really don’t think John Bull actually gives a fuck what they do anymore. There have been 5 or 6 incidents in the last few months alone that should have brought down or at least caused major sackings for the Gubbernment, but John Bull is happy because fuck Europe and those French Fishermen


No leccie, no food, no friends and being led by a group of cunts who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. Things going well for the brits

Was 20/1 last night. Into 7/1 now :eyes:

Sky and BBC saying no minister has made themselves available for interview this morning.