Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)


Anyhow, in other news

But of course :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


A baby girl for Carrie and Boris.

A big event in the bank for Carrie.

The nation must now pull together and consume the oceans of soft focus content.

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Starmer fearlessly speaking truth to power

That’s some timing in fairness. All the speculation last night was that yesterday’s events were the beginning of the end for Boris, all the front pages today were bad for him and then boom! New baby!

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Boris going no where as long as the polls hold up. Hes running nick and nick with Lab in most of the recent one which tells you everything about KS. Hes pure useless.

Interesting how he styles this out. It’s all coming thick and fast. Surprised he didn’t bring recess forward.

He should prorogue Parliament again.

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The cynic in me would wager that the birth was brought forward and induced in order escape some controversy.


You’d fear for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her death would kill off this issue.

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You’d want to blood test that child. It could be an actor. I think she announced she was pregnant in the first place around some controversy as well.

Emergency C section, no doubt about it.

Isn’t nearly every birth in the UK an induced birth?
