Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

He’s a pro rogue alright.

You come out with some beauts but that’s as outlandish and weird a claim as I’ve seen you make! Gas man!

Could they hire in Angela Merkel as an interim manager now that she is available?

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They were offered that chance between 1939 and 45. Fucking idiots should have taken it


Big Sam is surely the man to steady the ship now that their European dreams are long gone

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Starmer is some fuckwad.

Only one option at this stage

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He’d put a shape on them fairly lively so he would

4 sweepers he’d have so he would. Derek McGrath in there as the coach and the job is oxo

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This Geidt fella appears to have Johnson in the shite.

Personally I don’t think any of this would matter if the Tory media still supported Johnson. It appears they don’t support him any more. I think a private decision has probably been made somewhere to try and bring Johnson down and the key person in that decision is probably Rupert Murdoch. Who probably is working in cahoots with Dominic Cummings.

I think it’s the fuckwits in his party might be the problem more than him

When your enemy is in the process of destroying himself, stay the fuck out of his way

Starmer is just a lame duck.

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Sir Keir needs to purge the remainder of the Communists.

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Carole Malone who was once one of Boris 's staunch backers sticking the knife in now on sky news

Magic grandpa is done and the Unions are fucking off, mate. New Labour mk. II is here and the tories fear the Keir.
He’s the sensible choice right now because unlike magic Grandpa, he won’t terrify the shit out of potential middle ground swing votes that actually vote unlike all the fuckwits who serenaded Corbz at Glasto, yaaah.


Sir Keir is actually afraid of his shit now that Boris will be ousted. He needs the support for the conservatives to disappear at the electorate not in the Conservative party itself. A half decent leader at this stage would see the conservatives through the crisis and prob get the over the li e in the next election

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Who is that half decent leader?

Truss is apparently the favourite in the Tory party at the minute. There’s no one. The best of them are probably Jeremy Hunt or Tobias Elwood but they aren’t in Johnsons group of idiots or Brexity enough for them