Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I think you are wrong about Cameron. He was a weak, self serving crook, but he wasn’t a hard right bigot and general nut job.
What Britain, or whatever you care to call it, badly needs is CJH.
I suspect the SNP are praying Boris clings on until another vote.
If Boris goes now, he will surely go down as amongst the worst PMs in history. I doubt he cares. Carrie will be out the gap though if the trough isn’t very deep afterwards.

He’s a Diet Tory.

A Zionist fuckwit.

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Anthony is regarded as the worst pm. Johnson has passed him by for the title

Cameron appeased the hard right bigots.

What Britain needs is a Labour government and a massive reckoning with its history and its present and a massive climbdown from its grand folly of Brexit. And a real reckoning with the dirty money sloshing through the country, especially that from Russia and China. And a real reckoning for its hard right media.

Some hope.

Sure the Premier League is now yet another showcase for the dirty money of rapacious kleptocrats.

The idea that those who have the dirty money are the “good guys” is being mainlined into the veins of ordinary Brits and non-Brits daily.

Oh I agree. She’s a fucking idiot but the racists in the 1922 love her. My mate who works in Westminster reckons she’s making moves in the background and has been told she’s a strong candidate. Then again someone told Matt Hancock he was…

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That’s a fair suck in

I’ve no doubt she is. The Express look to be starting to put the boot into her, which may make us reconsider, but she’s absolutely vile.

Pork markets

Carrie is some minx all the same.

The UK is the nation state equivalent of somebody who goes to work in the morning who has decided to put the wrong shoe on each foot and their trousers on backwards, and inside out.

Everybody is giving them funny looks or telling them “mate, you know your trousers are on back to front and inside out and your left shoe is on your right foot and your right shoe is on your left foot?”

But the UK says “no, you’re wrong, I’m dressed correctly, this is how you are supposed to dress.” Even though they are unable to open their trousers to go for a pee, and wet themselves in their chair. And they now desperately need a shite.


There is some serious talent there, Rishi would make an outstanding PM with the Gover coming in as Chancellor


I think it’s more England and the hard core unionists up north more so than the u.k. as a whole.

It’s the right wing Little Englanders and the bunny boilers up north.

That’s what I said

No it isn’t.

What did I say then?

No one elected her