Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

That I don’t know Fagan but you would imagine that if you got a ken Clarke like figure in there, it would change a lot

Ken Clarke is 81 mate. He won’t grab the zeitgeist for the 18 -40 year olds without a pot to piss in or a roof over their heads.

Read my post again. I said " a kenClarke like figure’

The Tories don’t have a half decent leader in waiting, even in bare electoral terms. Leading the Tories right now requires a shameless clown cunt who can whip up tribal hatred, cosplay as a “man of the people” and be an entertainer. Johnson is the only person they have that has this ability.

Sunak and Javid would be out of their depth. Gove is a clown people laugh at, not with, and is the cunt’s cunt. Raab and Truss are total simpletons. Patel is hated. Hunt is the only half serious politician they have and the only real viable leader they have but probably won’t win a leadership election and even if he did he won’t be to the Tory media’s liking because he isn’t a true believer in Brexiteer kleptocracy and will be taken apart.

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I certainly don’t rate sunak or javid. Jeremy hunt is a moderate that has potential. I accept your point and agree with it. The fundamental issue that the English in particular have is that they still believe rhey are a world power and can bully their adversaries into submission. They need someone who can open a different door for them.

High time they gave Hezza the gig

To do that would require somebody to engineer a massive climb down from the path they’ve been pursuing for years. It would require recognising that they have been pursuing grand folly. And the Tory hordes have been whipped up into such a sense of John Bull fervour that that would be seen as treason. I don’t think it’s possible to engineer that massive climb down and fool people that it isn’t a massive climbdown. The Tory media and the Brexit/culture war hordes are too crazy and too loud. Hunt would end up as a less sympathetic version of John Major.

If Johnson goes, the countdown to a Labour government begins.

Maybe. But a labour government taking over a mess is possibly not a good thing for labour. It gives the conservatives time to get their act together. It would be very similar,ar to what’s happening in the U.S atm. We’re Sir Keir to take the reigns, hecould well find himself having to handle a whole new set of issues in a short period

A countdown to a Labour government could easily take eight years. Three remaining years of this term and five of a lame duck Tory government on a much reduced majority. Andy Burnham would probably be PM in waiting from 2024 to 2029.

To compare the current spell of Tory rule to the May 1979 - May 1997 one, in time terms we’re only in December 1990, just after Thatcher was deposed.

The issues you mention re “Republicans” getting their act together (they aren’t in any sort of positive sense, but are in terms of a destroying democracy sense) are worldwide and are existential for humanity. The Tories aren’t quite in that league but the cards are usually stacked in their favour because the UK media is heavily pro-Tory.

To depose them in the current environment probably takes a decade or more of resentment and hatred against them to build up followed by them being removed in a tidal wave.

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David Cameron seemed to come out of nowhere, I was barely aware of him before him before he won the leadership. You have to assume that there are a lot of “normal tories” who haven’t been allowed to advance because they’re not mental enough for the current climate.

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8 years is a different kettle of fish. Id accept that. It’s also not beyond the bounds of possibility as it could take john bull that long to realise what brexit has done to them.

A wrinkly 81 year old figure?

Bad attempt at a save there boss

That utterly mental strain of the party has largely been driving the agenda for the last 46 years though. It’s always there and will always have support of the tabloids and the batshit on social media.

Little Englanderism drives Tory politics and if a Tory leader tries to steer the party away that they get destroyed.

The Tories went through their unelectable phase where they lurched far to the right under William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Howard before they arrived at Cameron.

Cameron pretended to be a Tory version of Blair. As soon as he got in the lunatics took over the asylum, which has led to where Britain is now.

Any non-completely crazy Tory who advances ends up getting destroyed within a short time.

You should never swim with sharks.

Richi Sunak will be PM by Summer guys

Starmer getting ever so slightly more ballsy. Though he did tweet it when most people have gone to bed, for safety.

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leonardo dicaprio bravo GIF

@balbec Has your hero Portillo chimed in yet?

Actually he is carrying out a pretty effective cleansing of the lunatic fringe. I don’t think he has the charisma of a modem day celebrity jungle dancing type leader, which seems to be the prerequisite for PM, but I think he would be a decent, thoughtful and very good PM for any democracy.

Truss is a blithering idiot who will be an easy target. She’s thick as a fucking ditch FFS sake.