Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Many upper class Brits have a centruy old strain of American mother’s, some of them even Catholic. The upper class were short of funds before and particularly after ww1 and married rich American heiresses.
Churchill and Johnson also in this category.


Was it not his grandfather who was a Turk married a Yank and took her name?

Ian Duncan Smith is a Catholic as well.

Iain. He must be the only Catholic in the world to spell it that way.


The Tories. Partying while thousands were dying from Covid.

The elitist OIUTF mentality personified.

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Some idiots to take a photo (alongside all the other instances of stupidly)

One levelling up proposal reported this morning is to set pension entitlement date as a fixed term before life expectancy for the local area. What sort of a country are the tans developing?

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Maggie Tatchers dream. A value for everything and everything by its value

Any proposal to keep Boris off the front pages.
I tell you what though, it’d level up house prices. Rochdale will be boomtown.

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The lady in the grey on the left has a smashing pair of boobs.


I think he’s just stacked from working out a lot.

They know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Sure there must be at least two dozen prize tits in that photograph.

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I was the misogyny alert but, on inspection, you are 100% correct with your analysis

Cant believe they are turning on Boris, the man nearly died while leading the country and now they are turning on him.

If he’d died his legacy would have been complete and the UK would have been far better off. No winners there.

All political careers end in failure. Boris’s never really went anywhere else though

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@flattythehurdler , any up on the by election?

With a pension though