Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

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Lib Dems seemingly have it in the bag. Massive upset.

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Yeah, watching sky news last night, they gave the lib dems the nod

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I think it’s tomorrow mate.

Wasn’t the election today?

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Dunno 🤷

Exit polls reporting a landslide for the libbies

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You’re absolutely correct.

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I’m watching the press review here on sky news. Irish journalists Peter Goeghan absolutely wiping the floor with Carole Malone

He’s a woke lefty liberal type. Carole would fit in very well here, if she wasn’t a woman.

Caroline contradicted herself a few times there

I see the Brits have quietly caved in on EU court oversight of the northern Ireland protocol.
And there’s me thinking frosty would die in the trenches.

Oh dear, looks like the man Boris appointed to look into the holding of xmass parties held parties in his own office. If Boris had ducks they’d drown to quote Nicky.

Which is exactly why he was appointed. Strong rumour he was at one of the fcuking parties he’s supposed to be investigating. The chairman of the Tory party said this morning that he is confident Boris will be cleared of any wrongdoing.
I wonder why he possibly thinks that.

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Bad form from The Doxxer not to be wearing his mask on the platform.



Welcome to last week

Case closed

Case dismissed.

Serious Hiroo Onoda vibes from the Express