Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Sunak steering well clear of today’s circus

Carrie Antoinette


Rishi finds someone smaller than himself to be photographed with. :clap::clap:

Sire Keir has strung him up like a kipper. Todays the day

He’s ballsing it out - didn’t realise it was a party, was only there for 25 minutes to thank workers

Astonishing neck

A brass neck.

No mercy here from Sir Keir

Blackford is up now.

Keir is utter useless.

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He should let Angela Raynor have a go at him

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Nicely handled by Boris.

Clearly the government of Ireland and the government of the UK believe that the restrictions are more of a suggestion rather than a rule.

Personal responsibility is the key.

I really hope he brazens it out. He drives middle class arseholes who think the world owes them a living insane.

Keir will be gone before Boris. Everytime Boris screws up Keir is found out as a complete lightweight. Angela is Boris’s worst nightmare.

and for others a dream


bojo school report. plus ca change

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He’s an alright sort behind it all. A free spirit.

Rumour here is that labour are aware Boris is their most potent weapon, and they don’t want him gone, hence treading carefully. SKS is no idiot, whatever else he is or isn’t.

They know there is more to come out. Boris has made too many enemies within Downing Street itself. He’s fucked but the worry for Labor is other events take precedent now. The Sue Gray report will no doubt be another whitewash a la the Hutton Enquiry

I think they are more worried that rishi gets in tbh.

It’s how Rishi gets in that counts