Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

A bad day for the UK Labour Party.

They still couldn’t explain what Boris is supposed to have done wrong.

Not a good day for the British ruling class.

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Labor. FFS.

Johnson sending thank you cards to the judge as we speak.

The Irish state sponsored media are trying to make a big deal out of Boris, at the same time ignore the party at the Dept of Foreign Affairs and the role of Simon Coveney.


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I loved the way Laura Kuennsberg said “Sue Gray has a reputation for operating without fear or fervour.”

Perhaps Laura meant “without fear of appearing like a complete lackey”, a feeling Laura would know all about.

The Irish are obsessed with what goes on over the water.


Afraid to look into their own closets

Cons + - 5


Nigel Farage believes him fucking Britain once is not enough.

Managed “democracy”, carefully choreographed at every turn

Silly boy JRM

Ruperts standing by his man

He was all over the place on LBC with Iain Dale

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The Brits are all over the shop. This is all distracting nicely from the absolute shambles that is brexit at least

Paddy is fascinated with what John Bull thinks.

The Brits started to go downhill after Kilmichael and there’s still no bottom in sight. A shambles of a country.

A handful of pensioners in nursing homes read the Express. I wouldn’t overthink it. The readers won’t remember it by lunchtime

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