Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)


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What time is Boris on at?

Couple of minutes I think

They’re fairly squashed in there today.

Jaysus its like closing time down the pub.

some craic in there today

here we go Stammer is up.

A proper democracy
The cut and trust of debate

Stammer is giving the Tories what for. :slight_smile:

Lindsey Hoyle is some wet blanket, no authority

Shame that Bercow retired from the refereeing. The new lad isn’t up to this level at all.

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he’s a waste of space, Bercow would have bursted them out the door

Looking forward to the snp next

They are laying into Boris.

The soapy tit-wank questions he gets from his own mob are nearly as funny as the pelters he gets from everyone else.

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The humble crofter Ian Blackford


He had a majority of only 450. Jumping to save his skin. More might follow.

David Davis, of all people, sticking the knife in from the tory side :open_mouth:

My question - has he moved left or right here ???

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The situation is very fluid