Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

David does his own thing

Any new leader will move right which would soon wipe out his majority


Nice to see Rees-Cunt getting a stray volley at the end.

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I see Wee Jeffrey has been ruled out of double jobbing.

Edit - Already posted

The fightback has begun

Funnily enough, this Tory bitching just makes them look worse, just as the flounce across the floor of that tool yesterday backfired on those who want Boris gone soon (I doubt SKS or any strategic labour thinker does, just as I doubt Boris has a snowball in hell’s chance of contesting the next election as Tory leader as any strategic Tory will surely be thinking exactly the same)
It’s all about timing and mitigation.

It’s done. The rebels are withdrawing the letters

There’s a war to be won.

Mask mandates are gone

Boris has played this beautifully.

Conv + 5

There’s actually a bit of smoke drifting about the Tory party that the report may be worse than they feared.
The letters are on hold only, and withdrawn only because the powers have promised action in due course.
It will be fairly soon I reckon. Boris is doing ongoing damage.
Nobody paid much heed to mask mandates, as they’d changed so often, nobody was actually sure what was the rule anyway (genuinely)

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Boris sees them off again, he is simply untouchable!

Sounds like something Sir Humphrey might have said

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Chastised Tories furiously withdraw letters calling for Boris’s head. :rofl:
Boris is some operator.


I never realised that Sir Keir and Ange are as cunning as a fox what used to be Professor of Cunning at Oxford University but has moved on and is now working for the U.N. at the High Commission of International Cunning Planning.

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Excellent. Long may he remain in charge. It’s fantastic entertainment watching the UK at war with itself.