Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

They’ll probably get suella to say it’s legal to prorogue parliament again.

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I wonder what Dom will volley back over the net.

I was listening to morning Ireland there this morning and their piece on bloody Sunday. They played interviews with some British army commander lying through his teeth about the people his soldiers shot. Put to him that they were shot in the back and that it would indicate they were running away he said absolutely not, the soldiers shot people in the front, anyone shot in the back was probably shot by fire coming from within the crowd which was indiscriminate. Really audacious lies, totally made up stuff. Anyway with regard to Johnson and his lies and anyone assisting him it made me think, it was ever thus with the British.


Wonder had Cummo factored this development into his master plan

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That was sickening to listen to.

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Lookit, they are cunts.
Sin e.
I’d have turned it off. It makes me so vexed.
It’s odd, because there are some lovely folk in England, it’s just they keep their heads down.


People should be Vexed about this. Even 50 years on. The confluence of internment and Bloody Sunday 5 months apart created the sense of one community under attack from the British state and added about 20 years to the troubles.


I think it was more than a sense of being under attack. One community was under attack.


It absolutely was. Complete and utter fabrication and he knew it, it was sickening stuff.

Peter Taylor did a report (and a podcast) on this for Newsnight last week and included interviews with that cunt and with Lord Saville who saw him for what he was. Chilling really, worth a watch/listen if you have access to BBC


They’re very dangerous, ruthless people. Goes back to William the Conqueror at least.

He’ll have to Gateau.

She’s only in that job for her Brexiteer credentials.

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You can see that in Boris. Although he’s Turkish.

Well she’s not in it for her legal expertise or indepence that’s for sure.

Sue grey should just release a redacted one line report. that line being

“It is clear that the prime minister misled the house”


That’s unreal. A coal mine for heritage railways :smiley:


Good read. Was not aware of 36 which might explain a lot.

Boris is some operator