Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I think behind it all Paddy has a sneaking regard for Boris


No. He’s an irredeemable cunt.

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So was CJH …

At least he’s dead.

You’ve been doing a lot of thinking this month.

Cjh had the best interests of the country at heart.
This Joe Lycett thing really shows what thick cunts we are dealing with here.

CJH did the state some service (as he said himself)

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Cummings is pretty much how he describes Boris. He’s a man too stupid to see the wood for the trees, too obsessed with his own intelligence to take time to understand others, and too arrogant (and dim) to countenance that he might actually be wrong, and that events may have happened around, rather than because of him.
Finally, he’s really just spiteful and slighted because he wanted to be king, and he never will be because he’s an on spectrum weirdo.


He surely must post on TFK?


Dominic Cummings + Johnsons|690x484

Totally agree. And the strange reality is that DC is even worse, if anything, than BJ. The amount of stuff of which DC has made a complete mess is considerable. But he gets a free pass, mostly, because of being a successful liar as regards Brexit.

I know a couple of people who knew him as an Oxford undergraduate. A clever-ish prat. Anyone who hero worshipped Norman Stone was always going to turn out as DC has. Obnoxiousness is not a gift.


A hateful little fuck.

The hateful little fuck’s hateful little fuck. The Oxford Union is full of them in bonsai.

It’s great when 2 hateful fuck’s egos collide though.

Indeed – but the consequences of Brexit will go on for decades…

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They’ll slowly but surely edge back to where they were. They’ve just realised that the low level brits are bone idle and the Eastern European’s were doing all the work.

Brilliant and alarming article. Cummins seems quite the sociopath.

Well, in certain moods, I would hope so. But do not underestimate the sheer neck of Jacob Rees-Mogg et al, the sheer stupidity of Mark Francois et al, the sheer madness of Steve Baker et al. While many of the Brexiteers are mere cynics and opportunists, quite a few of them are actual swivel-eyed loons.

All around the world, grifters are rising to power and/or making themselves rich by playing a certain kind of middle-aged (white) man like a fish. I do not have any answer. But what does coldly amuse me is the self righteous glee with which so many people, including on here, embrace being a dupe. The emotional satisfaction of a personality alibi must be quite something.

It’s sad rather than alarming. Cummings is a pathetic creep who spends most of his time in the basement. He is desperately insecure.
He is also deluded. He has a talent for three word slogans and for destruction. There is zero indication he has ever built or improved anything. Even this article is destroy Boris, a noble aim perhaps, but what then? It’s like Tony Blair and Iraq.
Serendipity was Cummings greatest “talent”.
He was also unperturbed at provoking poverty, discord, disharmony and violence (I’d lay some of the blame for the murder of that poor lady MP at his door), but he doesn’t give a fcuk because she didn’t read Dostoevsky.
He is indeed a narcissistic sociopath, but also a greasy little creep.