Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

This time 40 years ago there was only one person who could save Maggie Thatcher. His name was Leopoldo Galtieri, and he duly obliged for her.

There is a person who can save Boris Johnson, and his name is Vladimir Putin.

But the way things are going, oul’ Vlad might not have enough time to save him.

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Sir Malcolm Fifkind pretty much calling Boris an idiot on Newsnight now.

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A fine foreign minister in his day

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Rishi is playing a blinder so far keeping his distance from toxic Boris, avoiding the press glare, playing the stateman role all the while

DJ Mark Ronson’s second cousin.

Rishi is too short to be Prime Minister

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He who wields the knife never wears the crown.

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True Hezza plunged the :hocho: in Maggie

There’s something else about him that wouldn’t sit well with a lot of Brexit voters.


He’s too savvy to do this. That buffoon Liz Truss more likely

They need to put an adult like Jeremy Hunt in there.


Arise Michael Gove, Arise and take your place

I thought he’d retired he’s been so quiet lately

Putin will do nuthin while the Winter Olympics are on because GG Ping (c. Alex Jones) asked him to keep it country until they’re over. Question now becomes can Johnson hold on until the flame goes out in Beijing.

You wouldn’t want to trust that “received wisdom” too much. Putin has form for invading places during Olympics in China.

I don’t think he even wanted Brexit. It was just opportunism. A nawful rogue

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Nothing gets past you.

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The story is already in place re. all these resignations.
‘Brave Boris (he nearly died y’know) begins reform of government’

Ruh roh