Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

incorrect, the vigil was a few days after her death 13th March, that dickhead was only convicted recently

He had been arrested and his identity was well known

she should have gone after she gave the go ahead to fire 7 bullets into jean charles de menzes skull


An embarrassment to her country but she probably doesn’t even realise it.

Russian foreign minister said it was like a mute talking to a deaf person.

Didn’t realise that. Unreal she was promoted after that

yep, should have been a career ender. sadiq khan actively campaigned for her to get the commish job and now he has the cojones to say he doesnt have faith in her

She could do the vodka bit

She should actually have been prosecuted for manslaughter imo. She wasn’t even in the room. She’s wired up wrong. No normal person could continue unperturbed having been directly responsible for that.


You’d think they’d at least have had common ground about finding the best way to continue to enable Russian money laundering in Britain.

They probably turned a blind eye to that.

Nadine Dorries has removed all legal barriers on Rupert Murdoch interfering in the editorial independence of the Times and the Sunday Times, ending restrictions that have been in place since he bought the newspapers in 1981.

The decision by the culture secretary also clears the way for a potential merger of the two titles, which are currently required to have largely separate editorial teams.

Ofcom had warned that lifting the restrictions “would create the opportunity for greater proprietorial influence over the titles, which could affect free expression of opinion and accuracy of news”.


The only man for the job


Dorries is absolutely vile.
Rupert must have picked up her drinks bill.

“Accuracy of news” :grinning::grinning:

This is the paper that published the Hitler Diaries.

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The times they are a changing

funnily enough his name is cockney rhyming slang for his predecessor

Be grand, what’s the worst that could happen.
I mean america got rid of the fairness doctrine and their media landscape as a result is … never mind.

“I was in meeting after meeting with the PM when he went row by row through what was and was not to be allowed. What does it say about us as a Party if what we write in law in minute detail is just for ‘others’ and by slight of hand we try and make that a ‘trivial’ thing?”

Nikki wading in.