Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Tell Nikki if you’re talking to her that it’s actually ‘sleight of hand’ rather than slight.
That the English for you…

You can’t expect a politician to Twitter and spell at the same time in fairness, but that is actually informative, and could come in very handy when wordle goes the way of Gillette razors.

Ps, that’s in the post.


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That’s a serious battering.


You’d really wonder if the British justice system has really improved. This case is insane, hundreds of post officer workers ended up with criminal records and some did jail time after flaws in a software made it look like there was money going missing in their branches.


That is an appalling vista

Absolutely fucking bananas.


“Police move to ban reporters from Birmingham Six journalist hearing | Birmingham Six | The Guardian” Police move to ban reporters from Birmingham Six journalist hearing | Birmingham Six | The Guardian


Was meant to be the Balcombe St gang who did the Guildford bombs did they do the Birmingham ones too?

No idea tbh. It was an awful thing though if you think of it, blowing up a crowded pub just because a few soldiers used it Lost a bit in the legal treachery afterwards.
They were dark days, hard to imagine and now look at the Ukraine.

The Balcombe lads admitted to the guildford one anyway. There’s a movie to be made about them. Absolute mad bastards going round shooting up restaurants in the West end etc. Think they were actually from the south, Clare possibly.

Two of the actual (4) Birmingham bombers were tried alongside the convicted 6 (there were 9 people tried in all, six for murder and three for conspiracy to cause explosions). One of the remaining two served time on related matters, the other was never brought before a court. None were members of the Balcombe Street gang.

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Jeez never knew that so the real bombers knew the ‘Birmingham six’??

Some, but not all of them.

Rumour I heard was that the real bombers fitted up the Birmingham six. May be true or not.

Ah tell us a bit more or send a link.