Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I just realised Boris Johnson is still the Prime Minister.
What a country :grinning:

Why is he untouchable?

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The threat of nuclear Armageddon makes complaints about a glass wine in the garden look a little petty.

They’re just waiting for an opportune moment. He wouldn’t resign if he was caught riding Vladimir Putin. The only mechanism for his removal is hence his own party. He is surrounded by venal halfwits who realise that this is it for them. The entire front bench have been promoted beyond their wildest dreams or capabilities, and realise this. They are absolutely loyal to themselves and by proxy to Boris. The remainder of the party are similarly governed only by self interest. Jezzer ensured Boris had a massive majority. He’s managed , with the help of the MSM to convince everyone that this is entirely his doing. They are thus trapped between fear of ending up with someone like Liz truss or gove, who are widely despised even more than Boris, and fear that if they depose him as the Ukraine situation becomes domestically stale, and the proletariat comes to the gradual realisation that they are fucked three ways from Sunday, with escalating prices of everything removing their discretionary spending, and both taxes and interest rates are rising (govt bond prices were loaded with a six time upward move in interest rates until Ukraine was invaded, now it’s anyone’s guess), they will have removed their fall guy.
So Boris is a toxic reflection of toxic greedy cowards, he is basically the Tory party in human form.
The other quirk is that whilst his MPs are the only body that can remove him, it is the Tory party membership who vote on his successor, so the MPs are saddled with uncertainty. They don’t even know which horse to saddle.
Finally, the SNP absolutely want Boris to stay exactly where he is, and SKS is an honest and decent human being in an arena which has zero reward for it.
In short, Boris is going nowhere at present. He will be gone only when the Tory MPs figure he’s more a threat to their seats than not.
None of them give a flying fuck about anything but themselves.


Tans deserve everyting they get for giving the Tories such a majority. Fucking idiots.

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Half of them do.

He’s a vote getter in elections and a wartime leader.

Not so great during pandemics, trade deals or the day to day stuff.

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One could nearly make the argument, hes been a lucky general

He’s no more a wartime leader than a traffic cone. He’s a cunt who speaks out of every side of his mouth. An unscrupulous amoral lying bastard of a person.


He is all his life waiting for his Churchill moment. He will probably start WW3 so he can live it out

Flatly would you ever fuck off. Dry up about Boris, it’s getting boring.

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I’d tell you to dry your eyes mate, but check your hands first.

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You got what you deserved. Boris and Priti. Now fuck off and deal with it.


OK Tory Boy.

In fairness Boris has been dealt some shit hand. Covid, brexit and world war 3.

Boris of course had nothing to do with Brexit.

Yeah and every one of them saved his career

I think there’s something likeable about
Him. I’d rather go for pints with him than Michael Martin or Leo.

I’d much rather go for pints with either Martin or Varadkar.

Martin would engage you in serious GAA discussion in any of Cork’s proper drinking pubs.

Varadkar knows all the coolest gay clubs. Or maybe he might suggest cans up the Phoeno.

Both of those options sound alright to me.

Johnson would tell you to walk into a wall for his entertainment and then unleash a dead pig on you. I’d say he’s a terrible conversationalist.