Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)


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One of the greatest tricks he ever pulled. Could you actually imagine him trying to drink pints?
No chance - he’s a wine drinker and would only go near a pint or a pleb if there is a photo opportunity involved.
It’s incredible how many idiots have fallen for his nonsense.

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Farage on the other hand could sink a pint of weak bitter

A hell of a measure of a leader of the free world

He’s notorious for never buying a round either.

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Great news.

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The sunlit uplands have arrived. Fuck your rights, sling your hook, plebs

I couldn’t rejoice in anyone hearing that bar the front bench tbh.

None of their French staff are being laid off.

Oh dear

just saw jennifer acuri’s description of a night of er, passion, with boris


CC @flattythehurdler


Could have gone on the twitter thread as well but #ungratefulcow is trending for the UK


i see jeremy cunt is saying that the UK needs to apologise to her for leaving her there for 6 years. i find it troubling that im agreeing with him

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It wasn’t the UK, it was the UK government in fairness.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to remember Jeremy being a senior member of the front bench for several of those years.

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good clarification. still processing that im on the same side of anything as jeremy cunt

Jeremy was one of the very very few people in the UK in a position to help secure her release six years ago, so I wouldn’t worry yourself unduly about what he’s grunting now the tide has turned.

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Wasn’t he Foreign Secretary for a spell?

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He’s aiming higher than that now. A snake by all accounts, though a europhile one