Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Nick Offerman Laughing GIF


The Tories have announced they want to privatise the publicly owned but entirely commercially funded Channel 4.

They’re doing this for one reason only - to neuter Channel 4’s news and current affairs content.

This is how you get Viktor Orban.

First victory in the great culture war.
BBC next and then the big pie to be cut up and divvied out to donors - the NHS.

Great news for Boris as pressure heaps on Sunak. This whole covid partying craic is well forgotten

Jesus the conservative party is full of deviants.

Richi thought he was ready for Senior. But Boris wasn’t long putting him back in his box


His wife being a billionaire will soften the blow

Is she a russian funded billionaire?

Partly it seems

Boris rang rings around Sunak

Thats nice.

Nice for some

Yeah. I wouldnt mind the odd moral dilemma about my ill gotten hundreds of millions…

A bad week for the Kahn clan

They kahn’t catch a break

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Khants the lot of them.

I like this sign

Who will Boris get to pay his fine?

Ruh roh