Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

WWIII a mere formality now you would think

Alas, the house was unintentionally misled but Labour will eat your children.

“now is not the time”
Coming from jrm any minute
It looks like all this putting the boot into rishi was needless :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s remarkable how literally everything that happens, ever, can be manufactured into something that boosts the popularity of a right wing “populist” leader.

No exception here.

If Rishi has any sense he will take the high moral ground and resign now leaving Boris neck deep in the shit


That’s the smart political move but Sunak has shown over the last week that he is not that smart.



“Rishi” will be slowly manoeuvred out the door over the next year while by the time of the next election “Boris” will be seen to be accountable, strong, a proper leader, a rebel and yet a King, and people like that, because the Tory press tells them to.

“He rubbed our faces in it, he kicked us in the teeth, you have to admire that.”

Incoming: Now is not the time, we need to wait for the Sue Gray report. Johnson will be itching for the UK to get directly involved in the war in Ukraine now.

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Will there be a heave, assuming he won’t resign

That is the narrative. And it’s the narrative the Tories want.

The Tories are simultaneously the party of law and order and no laws at all.

Schrodinger’s law.

A constructed world of fake reality and eternal confusion.

Like Russia.

There will in my hole.


therell only be a heave if the tories are wiped out in the locals


There will be a heave when, and only when, MPs decide it’s in their own interests. The only thing keeping Boris in number 10 is the serendipity that those who heave cannot choose his successor.
Sunak unlikely to resign until his reputation has had time to regrow a veneer.

it will, as long as the labour front bench cant bring themselves to say that a woman cant have a penis, then the tories will have a chance

What will?
I’m saying there may not be a heave even if local elections are awful. You swing at Boris, you’d best not miss. A vindictive man surrounded by vindictive people.