Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

if the locals are awful, theyll find some useful idiot to plunge the first blade and then have a fresh start to say theyre getting rid of criminal boris and be hosed down clean by the media before the GE

They might. The might not. Cornered rats are approached with caution.

Boris made a point of only promoting dimwits to cabinet. Not one of them looks remotely up to PM bar Rishi and they strung him up like a kipper. Not a hope there’ll be a push. It will be public pressure if anything but thats a big if

Yes, Art, the way for Labour to win power is by copying the Tories and vilifying one of the most vulnerable minorities in society with Sun headline style soundbytes.

I’d add that what may save Boris (again) is the local elections will have a very very poor turnout.

It’s down to the MPs in general. It’s nowt to do with the cabinet any more than other individual MPs

quelle surprise youre dead set against protecting women, hardly surprising, now youre back on ignore

It was the cabinet wot told for Maggie

Prime Minister Liz Truss has a nice ring to it @flattythehurdler

it could alright

Lizard has played a blinder. She’s well advised as she’s thick as a ditch.

You’re pro-vilifying women, Art.

We know this not just from your consistent gobshitery here but from your self admitted record of gross misconduct in a court setting.

Why do you think the Labour party should pin its colours to the mast of reactionary right wing gobshites who want to target one of the most vulnerable minorities in society?

What is the point of a Labour party that would do that instead of standing up for what is the right thing to do?

Local elections mean diddly squat.

What Tory MPs are willing to tolerate is a function of the information environment in England.

England is a country suffering from mass nationalistic delusion and ground into self loathing. It has become a fundamentally unserious country because, like Russia, Hungary and half of the US, it has chosen to indulge childish fantasies instead of a serious politics. That has been enabled by 40 years of a rampant right wing media.

This is the perfect space for somebody like Boris Johnson to rule for a decade minimum.

A fundamentally unserious man ruling over a fundamentally unserious country backed by a fundamentally unserious party in a fundamentally unserious polity analysed by a fundamentally unserious media.

A blizzard of manufactured confusion where the population are so ground down into self loathing that the very thought of an alternative becomes impossible.

I’m not saying they do, there you go strawmanning again. Art (correctly imho) points out though, that if they are obliterated sufficiently for the MPs to decide it is in their re-election self interest to heave, then that may be the catalyst for the 52 letters.
The fine may be in itself, who knows :person_shrugging:

Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak fined for breaking lockdown laws | Boris Johnson | The Guardian

looks like a cut and dried lying to parliament. sunak is toast

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He may of course, not accept the fine, and go from there. Boris may well do the same.

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I’m not strawmanning. Local elections mean sod all and nothing will happen. By the autumn the narrative will be that it is too close to the next election to do anything.

Johnson has one major thing going for him. He is the perfect man to lead the Tories in an era of perpetual bullshit. He can bullshit like nobody else. The whole thing is Vaudeville with the joke being on the audience without them knowing.

You’re just making stuff up. 52 letters may or may not go in. To state with certainty that they won’t is impossible.
It depends I reckon not at all on illegality or fitness to lead, on lies, adultery, evasion, hypocrisy and thuggery, on idiocy and incompetence. It depends only on whether about 40 Tory MPs feel they’ve a better chance of re-election without Boris at the helm.
Somewhere between 20 and 20 letters remain submitted I suspect as there are a few with principles.

I have no idea what you are on about when you say I am “making stuff up”.

I simply gave you my opinion that Local Elections don’t matter.

And neither do I think lying matters either. It would matter if you are, say, Keir Starmer, because he has to operate to different standards to Boris Johnson.

Again, that is a function of the long running information environment.

Boris Johnson could probably shoot somebody on Regent Street tomorrow and get away with it.

The only people who have the power to bring down Johnson are the Tory press, primarily Rupert Murdoch.

A few months ago Murdoch may have wanted to bring down Johnson. I don’t think he’s bothered now.

No one cares about this covid shite anymore, its all about The Ukraine, Boris is too important in his role to fall over mickey mouse covid laws that no one supported anyway